We’re not factory workers anymore, we need platforms instead of competition

Amplify’d from sethgodin.typepad.com

Again, there’s human nature at work here, and this can work in the short run. The problem, of course, is that in every competition most competitors lose. Some people use that losing to try harder next time, but others merely give up. Worse, it’s hard to create the cooperative environment that fosters creativity when everyone in the room knows that someone else is out to defeat them.

In a non-factory mindset, one where many people have the opportunity to use the platform (I count the web and most of the arts in this category), there are always achievers eager to take the opportunity. No, most people can’t manage themselves well enough to excel in the way you need them to, certainly not immediately. But those that can (or those that can learn to) are able to produce amazing results, far better than we ever could have bullied them into. They turn into linchpins, solving problems you didn’t even realize you had. A new generation of leaders is created…

Read more at sethgodin.typepad.com


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The New World of Sources, Channels, and Destinations (by @baekdal)

Amplify’d from www.baekdal.com

A big change in 2011 is the shift to a world divided into sources, channel and destinations. The shift has a profound influence on every form of publishing.

For newspapers and magazine, the shift will completely undermine all their business models. They have to figure out what they want to be. Do they want to be a source, a channel, or a destination?

The reason why Twitter is successful, is because they understand the new world sources, channels, and destinations. They understand it is not about giving people a place to publish 140 characters (like on a blog), but to turn people into sources that other people could follow. And to turn the platform itself into a channel – opening up the huge potential for “people aggregators” to become the new destinations.

Read more at www.baekdal.com


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11 Predictions for 2011, by Tristan Louis, including Danish Cool

All of them worthwhile!

Amplify’d from feeds.tristanlouis.com

A dent in ownership

Netflix and Redbox have almost destroyed the concept of owning DVD disks. Pandora has lowered the need to buy music.  Zipcar has made not owning a car possible for a lot of urbanites. The real estate crisis has made owning your own place seem less cool.

All and all, it seems the trend is moving, to a large extent, away from physical ownership of goods and towards either sharing models or outright rentals. We will see this trend continue to grow over the coming year. Some of the things to watch out for are the rise of the cord-cutters, where people replace their cable TV offering with an online only offering because of the a-la-carte pricing nature of online efforts. Another trend to look at is e-book lending with the initial efforts or the Nook and Kindle readers offering sharing capabilities on select titles.

The mobile revolution continues

The introduction of the iPhone 3 years ago shifted the whole online landscape to mobile devices. Yet, for all the discussion of mobile, it still has been a phenomenon sitting on the edge, as smart-phones were on the more expensive side of the price spectrum. Except all this to change this year, with many Android-based phones being available for free or almost free, putting any feature phone at a substantial disadvantage.

At the same time, get ready for the shoot-and-learn revolution as QR-codes, tagged objects, and smart tools like Google Goggles gain more mainstream acceptance. People will increasingly scan or shoot to learn more about or compare a physical good to information available online.

Internet Backlash

The internet industry has benefited from a great amount of support over the last 2–3 years. Companies like Facebook, GroupOn, Zynga, and Google have been able to move along with high levels of consumer acceptance. I suspect that this year, we may start seeing more people rethinking some of their web 2.0 choices, disclosing a little less information on Facebook, or becoming more wary of the power of Google. We will also see the rise of digital-free zones, where people agree that the use of mobile devices or computers is not allowed.

Read more at feeds.tristanlouis.com


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