Artists Sue Major Record Labels For Pirating Music and Get Back Millions

“We’re so Big, we don’t have time for that. We’ll fix it some day.” Or: stuck in a system that obviously no longer works and is costing everybody a lot of money…

The four major record labels that comprise the Canadian Recording Industry Association – EMI Music Canada Inc., Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc., Universal Music Canada Inc. and Warner Music Canada Co. – have agreed to pay $45 million to settle one of the largest copyright class action lawsuits in Canadian history.

As part of the settlement, the labels will pay approximately $45 million to settle the copyright infringement claims. It also establishes a new mechanism to help ensure that artists are paid more promptly.

The press release indicates that everyone is pleased with the settlement, though it is striking that it took a class action settlement to get the record labels to address their own ongoing copyright infringing practices in paying artists for the use of their works. (via Michael Geist)



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Google Ready To Give Music Labels Tens Of Millions Of $’s, Deals To Buy Rhapsody Or Spotify Off

That would be INCREDIBLY short-term-thinking on behalf of the record/music labels.

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Google is reportedly offering to pay the record labels tens of millions of dollars in advances so they’ll sign off on a Google Music service.  For now, the focus is on a Google online music locker, but a Spotify or Rhapsody style streaming service will follow.



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