The Un-Convention iPhone app has been updated for #uncon16

Expect more content to be pushed during Un-Convention Groningen 2011.

Amplify’d from


“A series of music conferences aimed specifically at the grass roots of the industry, the goal of Un-Convention is to bring together like minded individuals to discuss the future of Independent music. From DIY labels, and self releasing bands, to promoters and agents, entrepreneurs and innovators, Un-Convention is looking to the future of music, and how it will develop and flourish in the technological age.”

De Un-Convention iPhone App brengt jou alle news, videos, podcasts en muziek van Un-Convention, rechtstreeks in je broekzak!



ip-check.ruкак подобрать нч

iFan, charge your iPhone with wind.

Amplify’d from
iFan in motion

Your Smartphone relies on high tech battery power and power management which
you charge almost every day in your outlet in just half an hour.
By using a modified compputer fan it took me 6 hours to charge my
phone, rather long I think… but it works.
I can shave off many charging hours by redesigning the fan blades, making it
more efficient in catching the wind while sun bathing at the beach, doing walking trips
in the mountains or just holding it outside your car window while driving along…
i’ll keep you posted.



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