Soundcloud shows the excitement of the listeners: Kate Perry – E.T. (Noisia Remix)

Katy Perry Michigan (1)
Image via Wikipedia


For some time now, I have been a somewhat secret admirer of Noisia, the Drum ‘n Bass-act from Groningen that has been steadily working our globe to bigger and better reviews. I was lucky enough to see them up close and personal in two instances. Manager Walter Flapper took part in a panel during the first Un-Convention Groningen (see here), and one of the acts’ members Martijn van Sonderen appeared in a panel during the second Un-convention Groningen this year.


Soundcloud has been a recommended online music resource for a while now. It allows bands, DJ’s and others to easily put their music onine and share it with the world. It also allows listeners to comment on the tracks, while they are playing.

A Noisia remix of Kate Perry on Soundcloud: OMGWTF!

So far, so good. But check this out: when I stumbled upon a recent remix by Noisia of a Kate Perry-track, I noticed how lively and exciting it is to actually LOOK at the track while it plays. All these comments add up to quite an exciting show. Click play the see for yourself 🙂

Katy Perry - E.T. (Noisia Remix) by NOISIA

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Jumping into Empty Space – Ernst Bergen

jumping into empty space
Jumping into Empty Space - Ernst Bergen

I was raised in a Mennonite tradition (Dutch: Doopsgezind) but never actually joined that particular church, or any church for that matter. I do like to think that this background added to my capability to relate to the different views that people can have towards various religious, social and cultural topics.

I was surprised to read this book, because of two things. First off, it offers an unusual frank insight into the development of a young democracy like that of Paraguay. Secondly, the frankness of Ernst Bergen about his religious beliefs and the important role they played in every aspect of his life was refreshing.

The importance of feedback and reflection

The book is not particularly well written, but it does appear to be very honest. To me, it is important because it helped me realize the importance of feedback. Although I might not seek the advice of God in any of my life or business decisions, the value of proper consideration and reflection before taking action is obvious to me.

We should not rush into things, we should consider the effect our actions have on our family, our surroundings and ourselves. It helps to validate the considered actions against goals that we set ourselves.

Ernst Bergen describes his goals in very straightforward terms and shares them with his fellow workers and family. By doing so, he created a sense of ‘us’ and togetherness that stimulated others to join and help. This book does a great job in reminding the reader not only of the importance of this, but also in the actual results that come out of such a deliberate and conscious effort.

[amazon_link id=”156148654X” target=”_blank” ]Jumping into Empty Space – Ernst Bergen[/amazon_link]  on Amazon.

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weekly TED-pick: Rachel Botsman: The case for collaborative consumption

Un-Convention co-founder Jeff Thompson directed me towards this particular TED-talk in which Rachel Botsman illustrates how we humans are actually hard-wired to share information.

Modern technology allows us to tackle the problem that economists call “the coincidence of once”. Something that was not so easy to solve even ten years ago. Modern technology helps us build trust between strangers. It actually re-activates out basic, natural instincts to collaborate.

According to Rachel Botsman, there are four drivers to this:

  1. A renewed sense of the importance of community
  2. A torrent of peer-to-peer social networks and real-time technologies
  3. Pressing unresolved environmental concerns
  4. A global recession that has fundamentally shocked consumer behaviors

It’s more hip than hippie 🙂 Read more at Collaborative Consumption

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