Do you use Svbtle or Radio2? Why?

I know, I am comparing apples to oranges, because Svbtle is a closed network and Radio2 is more like an open protocol. But both have some visual and user similarities in that they are very simple, very straight forward compared to some other solution. Yes, even simpler than Tumblr or Twitter.

So: why does one want to use Svblte or Radio2? Let me know your

Bitcoin: are you familiar with it? Want to pool your knowledge?

Over the past years, I have been hearing about Bitcoin on and off. It is a P2P Digital Currency. As you can guess, most of the times I read about it, they were mostly  geek-style moments and blogs, so they tickled my interest, but nothing more. And then today, I heard about again from a more public figure: Matt Mullenweg.

This is how Bitcoin is explained on

I am intrigued and want to find out more. So I am looking for people who have experience with Bitcoin and are willing to share their knowledge. Give me a comment below, or a mention on Twitter to hook up.vzlomat-pochtu