Review of Idea 02: My Radio Alerts

As I mentioned yesterday, I am part of a crew that will take a look at each of Andrew Dubbers’ 30 Ideas and hopefully pick one out that we will then execute and implement in 30 days.

Andrew’s second idea is called My Radio Alerts and has a lot of appeal to me. Here are the things I like about it:

  • It brings more information my way. I hardly ever listen to the readio these days, this idea might just re-open that information channel for me
  • It also allows me to strongly filter that information: I only get alerts for the information that I am interested in.
  • It offers some leverage for the ‘old radio industry’ by opening up their content to more listeners. Which might make it more likely that they would support the concept.

I also see some challenges:

  • I would rather not be alerted to text in commercials, so they need to be filtered out first.
  • It needs a ‘relevance filter’. Why? With Google Alerts, it is easy for me to scan through the linked information because it is tekst-based and readable. With audio, it takes more effort to listen through attentively and once I discover the audio-segment to be of low information value, I have already wasted my time listening. If a term I’m interested in is only loosely referenced during chit-chat, I don’t want to be alerted.
  • Copyrights need to be cleared. Andrew did mention the 7 days Listen Again service of the BBC, but something similar might not exist (yet) for other radio stations

Are there bigger opportunities?

  • This will add some more ‘social’ statistics to information, that we could -for instance- add to our new Tribe Monitor (a New Music Labs service) to expand on the amount of detail that we offer to our users. Not just airplay, but also ‘talk-about-you’.
  • Aggregating these alerts, it is easy to identify actual trending topics for radio stations, which might be of interest to a number of parties willing to pay for that information

Just my two cents. Let’s see how it goes down in the Ideals Project Group.

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Having ideas does not equal executing them

Derek Sivers blogged about the Guy Starts Dance Party video six months earlier, and after clever comments on that post, was inspired to turn it into an inspiring TED Talk about Leadership:

Derek: it is about the First Follower

It is not about the guy dancing alone, he’s just someone with a silly idea. It is about the first person to join the dance next. By doing so, the silly initiative turns into something that apparently is not just a party in one head. Someone said to Derek he should write a book about that, and he then handed it over to all of us.

Andrew: I’ll follow by doing

My friend Andrew Dubber picked up on Derek’s thoughts and gave it a bit of a twist by announcing that he would release 30 ideas to the world, free for all of us to consider and (if we liked any of them) execute.

Another Andrew: I’ll follow by helping to execute

Another Andrew then pledged to help organize whoever wanted to take part in all of this, under the banner of Project Idealism. And I joined.

Me: part of the cult?

So here we are, and Andrew Dubber just released the first of 30 ideas: Keymash. For me to get excited and dive into the execution, it needs to be a special idea.

  1. First off: I feel lucky to spend most of my time on stuff that I already am excited about doing. So it really needs to tickle me in certain places first to get me going at all;
  2. Secondly: I need to feel I can contribute. So it needs to match one or more of my capabilites I feel good about.
  3. Third: I need to believe in the idea enough to set aside a sufficiently big piece of my mind and time to execute

I like it idea number 1, Keymash, but have to say it does not match readily with the stuff I am currently working on and interested in. So I’ll pass on this one. Luckily, there’s 29 more to come!

Join Derek, Andrew, Andrew and me if you want

If you like the thinking behind all of these, please consider joining the initiative and help turn a great idea into concrete action!

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Coming up: Global Pecha Kucha Night for Haiti, February 20th!

In a matter of seconds, thousands of lives and dreams were destroyed in Haiti.
Following the tragedy, aid came from many quarters, in all shapes and forms. The global PechaKucha community is coming together with Architecture for Humanity to lend a hand in rebuilding Haiti and establish long-term solutions. Please help us spread the word about our global event in February: 20 images x 20 seconds, 200 cities, 2,000 presentations, 200,000 people. Rebuilding a nation 20 seconds at a time.
This is a true, last minute, we‐can‐do‐it fundraiser, mobilized less than a 20 days ago, spreading today to over 130 cities globally with 100% of proceeds destined for ready‐to‐go reconstruction projects in earthquake‐ravaged Haiti. Why this matters:
“The fact is more people died in Haiti than in the 12 countries affected by the ‘04 Tsunami. Oh, and rainy season begins in a week. So this natural disaster IS a big deal and it’s going to get rough.”
Cameron Sinclair, Founder and eternal optimist @ Architecture for Humanity.

Pecha Kucha Night for Haiti

Global PechaKucha Night for Haiti – 2/20/10

On 20th February many of the 280 cities that host PechaKucha events worldwide will converge to present one continuous 24-hour edition of PechaKucha Night. Beginning in Tokyo 2003 as an online networking and exhibition event, PechaKucha has become a massive global event inspiring creative communities from Uganda to Norway. Kicking off at SuperDeluxe in Tokyo, where PechaKucha Night first started seven years to the day (20th Feb 2003), the a presentation ‘wave’ will travel westward, with cities presenting one after the other. Crossing all times zones and cultures, the ‘wavecast’ will be streamed live online on Ustream and will be viewable not only on computers, but also on any iPhone or Android handset.

Some presentations intend to offer hope and encouragement through stories of past disaster relief projects, others simply inspire by showing the power of creative thinking.

All of the 2,000 presentations generated from the one-day event – in what could be the world’s biggest single-day globally distributed conference – will be posted on the PechaKucha website, where visitors will also be able to make monetary donations to each presentation.

100% of proceeds will go to Architecture For Humanity which operates globally, and was instrumental in getting projects built after the Indian Ocean tsunami and Hurricane Katrina.

“We are not the first responders, we’re the last responders and we’re in for the long haul. We estimate having teams in Haiti for 4 years but we will only do that with the financial support of others.”
Cameron Sinclair, Founder and eternal optimist @ Architecture for Humanity.

In organizing this event PechaKucha intends to not only raise funds through pledges from host cities and contributions from individuals but also illustrate the power of innovative minds, creative passion and, most of all, sharing ideas for change and sustainability.

More information about the project and cities which are holding events

Watch Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, PechaKucha Founders in Tokyo launch the project jointly with Cameron Sinclair, Founder of Architecture for Humanity who was in Davos at the World Ecomonic Forum – this is a good example of how the presentation will be archived on the web site: (always go full screen)

Personal letter from Cameron Sinclair

First PechaKucha Presentation for Haiti by composed by Brian LeBarton (Beck) to photographs taken in Haiti by Francesco Valentino as he we was trying to find his family – is now live. (always go full screen)

All events in February are in support of PechaKucha for Haiti. Find a city near you.

PechaKuchaWAVE broadcast on Ustream, viewable on any iPhone, Android handset, download the iPhone, Andriod player app now!

PechaKucha Ustream channel

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