It’s Business Time @twitter

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Today we’re launching a revamped version of – a site that provides the basics on how businesses can use Twitter effectively. We’ve seen tremendous growth in the creative ways businesses and organizations are leveraging Twitter, and we want to make sure you have access to their great ideas. We’ll continue to update the site with fresh use cases, tips, tools, and resources.



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Something is astir in EU copyright’s lawmaking…

Not one to be fooled easily, let’s hope (really hope) Paul signals a true change of hearts here…

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not sure why this is happening, but it appears that commons sense is slowly starting to make a comeback in the discussion about copyright. Yesterday we had the British Prime Minster announce that his government is undertaking a review of the parts of the intellectual property laws in order to enable more flexible use of copyright protected works along the lines of the the US fair-use doctrine:

Over there, they have what are called ‘fair-use’ provisions, which some people believe gives companies more breathing space to create new products and services. So I can announce today that we are reviewing our IP laws, to see if we can make them fit for the internet age. I want to encourage the sort of creative innovation that exists in America.

On the other hand the British MP does not seem to be the only high ranking official who seems to have changed his mind when it comes to copyright in the digital environment. Earlier Today Neelie Kroes, the EU’s commissioner in charge of the digital agenda gave a speech in Avignon in which she almost sounds like a copy-fightin-free-culture-activist:

My position is that we must look beyond national and corporatist self-interest to establish a new approach to copyright. We want “une Europe des cultures” and for this we need a debate at European level.

Again this needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt, since both the UK government and the EU commission are continuing to push for more restrictive IP rules through the secretive and totally not-evidence-based ACTA process, but maybe we are witnessing something like a turning point here. Another hopeful sign is that even the Americans are doing surprising things these days…
Technorati Tags: copyright, europe, europeana, ipr, piracy, policy



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Bibliotheek Leeuwarden besteed aandacht aan streaming muziek

Met oa @ehpo en 22 Tracks. De moeite waard.

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De vijfde Bibliotheek2.0 Happening heeft als thema streaming muziek!

De komst van streaming muziekdiensten als Spotify zorgt voor een kentering in het luisteren naar muziek. Het gemak waarmee met een spreekwoordelijke druk op de knop toegang verkregen wordt tot uitgebreide en snelgroeiende muziekcollecties is overweldigend. Waarom nog naar de winkel of de bibliotheek gaan om een cdeetje te halen? Al die moeite voor 15 nummers, terwijl Spotify er 10 miljoen ineens aanbiedt? Het is terecht dit als een bedreiging voor bibliotheken te zien. Aan de andere kant mag niet genegeerd worden dat deze ontwikkeling plaatsvindt en voor bibliotheken ook mogelijkheden heeft. Tijdens de Happening daarom niet alleen rampspoed, maar zeker ook het ontdekken van de leuke kanten van streaming muziek. De Openbare Bibliotheek Leeuwarden heet u daarom van harte welkom op 19 november!



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