(Dutch) Cassettes digitaliseren via de computer (via @raaphorst)

Perfecte timing gezien één van mijn nieuwjaarsvoornemens.

Amplify’d from melodiefabriek.nl
  • een cassettedeck
  • een computer met een minijack aansluiting (daar gaat een plugje in dat even groot is als de plug van een hoofdtelefoon)
  • het gratis bewerkingsprogramma Audacity
  • een ‘tulp naar minijack’ snoertje, bij Mediamarkt te koop, en dat ziet er zo uit:

Read more at melodiefabriek.nl


сайтиндексирование сайта яндексом

WordPress releases a critical update to patch a security flaw [TNW Apps]

Amplify’d from thenextweb.com

Version 3.0.4 of WordPress, available immediately through the update page in your dashboard or for download here, is a very important update to apply to your sites as soon as possible because it fixes a core security bug in our HTML sanitation library, called KSES. I would rate this release as “critical.”

Read more at thenextweb.com


оптимизация сайта под рамблер

I hope you (don’t) find everything you’re looking for

Good advice from @boris

Amplify’d from thenextweb.com

The truth is that our lives are in constant chaos. We are bombarded by opportunities, problems, issues, alternatives and last moment changes, and we try to handle that as best as we can. The really good entrepreneurs are able to take all that chaos and turn it into something good. An entrepreneur is “a person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture”. In assuming that risk you also expose yourself to the risk of finding, or stumbling upon, great fortune and personal gratification.

Read more at thenextweb.com


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