Touché: Tapes ‘n Tapes bekeert haters met Google Translate

De kracht van aandacht, de kracht van het gesprek. :-)

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Zomaar een Twittergesprekje op de maandagavond: even de nieuwe releases doornemen met 3VOOR12-collega Erik Zwennes. Ter sprake komt het derde album van Tapes ‘N Tapes, een band uit Minneapolis die in 2005 debuteerde met de uitstekende rammelindieplaat The Loon. Opvolger Walk It Off uit 2008 was aardig, rauwer geproduceerd, maar met minder sterke liedjes. De verkopen vielen kennelijk erg tegen, want na dat album zette hun platenmaatschappij XL ze op straat.

Begin 2011 verschijnt nummer drie: Outside, op hun eigen label. Ik ben er nog niet echt enthousiast over. Dat zei ik gisteren ook, en daarbij werd ik direct op mijn vingers getikt door een fan. Was het niet een beetje te vroeg om zo hard te oordelen? Achteraf? Ja, eigenlijk niet cool. Probeer ik ook altijd te vermijden, maar soms doe je het toch. Uiteindelijk is muziek ook vaak gut feeling, eerlijk is eerlijk.

Het gesprek nam een wonderlijke wending toen de band zich er zelf ineens mee ging bemoeien. Met vertaalmachine-Nederlands. Een klassiek geval van de kracht van Twitter goed gebruiken, want as we speak luister ik schaamtevol opnieuw naar Tapes ‘N Tapes.



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The Art Of “Kicking The Can”—Uncertainty Rules When It Comes To Net Neutrality

This would make Vetinari so very proud. If this were Ankh-Morpork.

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. In its rule the FCC has successfully put off almost all of the hard Net Neutrality questions that have been buzzing around since 2000 or so. It is a remarkable feat to write a rule that actually creates more uncertainty than no rule, but by golly, the agency has done it.

If you’re the type that prizes certainty and clarity (i.e., most engineers, business people and investors), then manufacturing confusion may sound like insanity. But welcome to law school: good lawyers know that uncertainty has a power all of its own. So to really understand the Net Neutrality rule is not to bother understanding the rule itself, but rather the effects the uncertainty will create over the next 5 years or so.

The difference between wireless and wireline doesn’t necessarily make technical sense, but it is more about which Internet is a happier home for various business models. Discriminatory platforms favor old-school commercial content, which suggest that the Net Neutrality rule will probably foster a continued migration of commercial services to wireless. Meanwhile, the Internet that arrives on your computer will remain a happier home for social, advertising-based, amateur, and non-profit projects, like Wikipedia or, frankly, Facebook. Whether that was the intent of the rule is, of course, impossible to say. But seen through the mists of uncertainty and vagueness, the message is nonetheless clear: so much for “One Web.”



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Grooveshark is the easiest find for music, in Google

Question: how relevant is this? How many people start looking for a service for streaming music, without having been prompted by a blog or a comment from someone else?

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image from Google search results define our world. To anyone, looking for anything, the first 3-4 options in a Google Search are the only sites that exist online. We all know about the latest and coolest music sites and services. The average person doesn’t. If a friend doesn’t tell them about Tubeify and they don’t read tech blogs, they’ll never hear about it. Save for a stray alert on Facebook or Twitter, most people won’t hear about these sites unless they’re searching for them on Google. Yes, they might Bing it too, but I refuse to accept that verb.

After a short experiment, the results were rather revealing. Whenever I searched for “music streaming”, “free music”, “listen to music online”,”listen to music”, and even just the term “listen”, the results were almost identical. In these search results, Grooveshark rose to the top of the list. Every single time. Except one.



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