Newspapers, take a hint from Playboy re. the iPad

Yes, the App Universe is a Universe where Apple is gatekeeper. The web is not.

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Earlier today news broke that Apple was going to break its strict anti-porn rules to allow the full archive of Playboy magazine to be available through the App Store.

Turns out that news is wrong. Playboy will not get its skin mags into Steve Jobs no-porn zone, Jeff Bercovici at Forbes reports.

Instead, Playboy will offer a web-based subscription to its magazine. It will be iPad compatible, but it will not be the same as an iPad application.



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The Un-Convention iPhone app has been updated for #uncon16

Expect more content to be pushed during Un-Convention Groningen 2011.

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“A series of music conferences aimed specifically at the grass roots of the industry, the goal of Un-Convention is to bring together like minded individuals to discuss the future of Independent music. From DIY labels, and self releasing bands, to promoters and agents, entrepreneurs and innovators, Un-Convention is looking to the future of music, and how it will develop and flourish in the technological age.”

De Un-Convention iPhone App brengt jou alle news, videos, podcasts en muziek van Un-Convention, rechtstreeks in je broekzak!



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Is Apple About to Cut Out the Carriers?

Of course they are.

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Sources inside European carriers have reported that Apple has been working with SIM-card manufacturer Gemalto to create a special SIM card that would allow consumers in Europe to buy a phone via the web or at the Apple Store and get the phones working using Apple’s App Store.

The model should work well in Europe, where the carriers tend to use the same networking technology and are far more competitive. It also means that customers can roam more easily with the iPhones, swapping out the carriers as needed. The iPhone has lost its exclusivity in much of Europe and other markets of the world, which makes this model a compelling one for consumers, but a nightmare for carriers. Apple could change the mobile game once again.



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