
The tents may be gone from Zuccotti Park and many other #OWS encampments but I suspect that the movement will continue growing because, at the end of the day, what made it strong was not a set of tents and tarps but a sense of ownership of the future b…

The tents may be gone from Zuccotti Park and many other #OWS encampments but I suspect that the movement will continue growing because, at the end of the day, what made it strong was not a set of tents and tarps but a sense of ownership of the future by all its members and that, as a society, is something we all need more of.rpg online mobile game

Is copyright working? « Digital Agenda Commissioner – Neelie Kroes

What do you think of, when you think of copyright? A tool to recognise and reward artists? Or a tool to punish and withhold material?
For me the answer should clearly be the first. But all too often, in the digital age, it is seen as the second.

What do you think of, when you think of copyright? A tool to recognise and reward artists? Or a tool to punish and withhold material?
For me the answer should clearly be the first. But all too often, in the digital age, it is seen as the second.kontaktmaster

Lezing Social Media voor congressen – NAP Initiatief

Voor de genodigden van het NAP Initiatief een overzicht van Social Media voor Congressen in 15 minuten. Lees vooral ook het Handboek Social Media voor Congressen voor het hele verhaal!

Voor de genodigden van het NAP Initiatief een overzicht van Social Media voor Congressen in 15 minuten. Lees vooral ook het Handboek Social Media voor Congressen voor het hele verhaal!