
But Bitcoin or something else, I’m confident we’ll see the emergence of currencies that are not controlled by nation states in my lifetime. Whether that is a good thing or not remains to be seen. I think it is, but there are significant ramifications t…

But Bitcoin or something else, I’m confident we’ll see the emergence of currencies that are not controlled by nation states in my lifetime. Whether that is a good thing or not remains to be seen. I think it is, but there are significant ramifications that will result from the decoupling of currencies from governments. And one of them is an interesting investment opportunity that we hope to participate in.

Facebook Wins By Getting Us Closer Than Six Degrees

Instead of the traditional “six degrees of separation” that researchers have historically observed between all people in the world (and Kevin Bacon), the number of degrees has been dropping since 2008 on the site, from 5.28 then to 4.74 now.

Instead of the traditional “six degrees of separation” that researchers have historically observed between all people in the world (and Kevin Bacon), the number of degrees has been dropping since 2008 on the site, from 5.28 then to 4.74 now.регистрация в каталогах google

What would you do with a 30.000 euro customer? The NMBS, NS and one-sided loyalty.

The more consumers get conditioned to expect return for their loyalty, the more brand and categories that aren’t used to reward loyalty will suffer. Consumer expectations have changed and expectations will keep getting higher, towards new service nor…

The more consumers get conditioned to expect return for their loyalty, the more brand and categories that aren’t used to reward loyalty will suffer. Consumer expectations have changed and expectations will keep getting higher, towards new service normals.как раскрутить сайт в гугле