TSA and Those Deadly Nail Clippers

Amplify’d from daringfireball.net

From an email to Erick Erickson from a soldier returning from Afghanistan:

This is probably another good time to remind you all that all of
us were carrying actual assault rifles, and some of us were also
carrying pistols.

So we’re in line, going through one at a time. One of our
Soldiers had his Gerber multi-tool. TSA confiscated it. Kind of
ridiculous, but it gets better. A few minutes later, a guy empties
his pockets and has a pair of nail clippers. Nail clippers. TSA
informs the Soldier that they’re going to confiscate his nail

Read more at daringfireball.net


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“Damn The Beatles” Says One Digital Music Exec

Amplify’d from www.hypebot.com
Top Bands Missing From Digital’. People were just starti

Then with one exclusive deal (after saying the would never do an exclusive deal), The Beatles set the whole industry perception back to DRM days when no one considered digital music anything other than iTunes. Fuck The Beatles. This is bad for the whole business.” (more…)

Read more at www.hypebot.com


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