Why Google Don’t Understand Social – (by @baekdal)

Amplify’d from feed.baekdal.com

Why is it then that Google continually fails at creating social services? The answer is painfully simple. People are individuals, not algorithms.

Read more at feed.baekdal.com


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Snap Bird opens up your Twitter-archive

Amplify’d from thenextweb.com

Snap Bird is an easy as pie way to search your Twitter history beyond the 10 days that Twitter Search allots you. It also allows you to search only within your friends tweets, within your DM’s and within any user’s favorites.

Snap Bird Read more at thenextweb.com

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Facebook replaces the traditional forum

Amplify’d from www.stevelawson.net

There are a lot of perfectly valid – and frankly scary – accusations that can be made of Facebook, but one thing it gets right is it’s an amazing environment for sharing. The Facebook ‘like’ may end up being the single most radical music sharing tool ever. It isn’t yet, but the statistics on site traffic for many of the top music sites show that FB sends them as much – if not more – traffic than Google.

On this site, the top drivers of traffic are Google, Twitter and Facebook –

  • Google is largely people looking for me,
  • Twitter is a curated community following my links (or retweets of those links),
  • Facebook is mostly listener-driven – people sharing my stuff on their page.

The integration with Bandcamp and Soundcloud make it SO easy for anyone to take my music and embed it on their Facebook page, to write a few words about it, and suggest that their friends check it out. That’s amazing. Srsly.

Read more at www.stevelawson.net

Amplify’d from feedproxy.google.com

And all I have to do is provide a space to talk, a few questions, and a load of supremely awesome music that makes life worth living.

Read more at feedproxy.google.com


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